Meet Suzy Sirloin

Suzanne Strassburger is the fifth generation of the Strassburger family in the meat business.

She is President of Strassburger Steaks, LLC, ( ) CEO Suzy Sirloin, Inc. ( all natural, hormone free beef that’s currently available in retail stores and available on . The Founder of The Sirloin Report, ( , a daily, industry-leading online report about beef . She also gives meat lectures and has traveled as far as Hong Kong to promote American beef.

As a way to further educate herself, Suzanne attained a Masters of Beef Advocacy (MBA) from the National Cattleman’s Beef Association in 2010. The MBA program is a self-directed online training program offered by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association designed to equip beef producers and industry allies with the information they need to be every day advocates for the beef industry. Suzanne will be in the first NCBA Top of the Class program for MBA grads wishing to make a more explosive impact on behalf of the beef community.

On the personal side, Suzanne also oversees SISTERSALUTE ( , a web site and charitable organization (founded by her sister Andrea and her) devoted to raising money and awareness for the men and women of the Armed Forces fighting each day for our freedom. These include: “Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Coast Guard, and Airman’s Club.

Suzanne is on the Editorial board at THE NATIONAL PROVISIONER MAGAZINE and is a frequent contributor. The Daily Meal, a highly popular website devoted to topics surrounding food and drink, recently featured Suzanne Strassburger among the 60 Coolest People in Food for 2013 and 2014.